Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Quitting Your Addiction to Stress

Many people don’t realize it, but stress can become an addiction over time. It’s all due to the subtle scientific reactions within your body, when the stress hormone cortisol floods your system and allows you to deal with harrowing situations.

Your adrenaline increases and you find yourself powering through tasks and completing projects with ease. When you’re not under pressure, you find yourself dragging on, procrastinating and struggling to the finish line.

Some people laugh this off by saying they “work better under pressure,” and this is why. It’s an addiction to the stress from a chemical standpoint. It’s not just a mental preference.

Learn what to do about it inside this report.

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Gaining More Energy in Your Life

Over the decades, our schedules have become more packed, our free time minimized, and our stress levels have soared. You pack in as much as you can possibly try to get done in a day – from carpool and commutes to activities and the gym, not to mention hours spent working and sleeping.

With all of this wear and tear on your mind and body, it’s no wonder your energy level wanes quickly and is difficult to call upon when you need it most. The good news is, you don’t have to resign yourself to a life of lethargy anymore – you’re about to learn how you can refill your energy stores and tap into them throughout the day as needed.

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Weekend Warrior Plus Profit Plan

There are many members of Warrior Plus who are excited about setting up a business as a vendor, affiliate – or both. But there’s often some confusion about how to get started, how to begin generating profits and ultimately, how to achieve the level of success you see others enjoying.

Many of the people who are looking for this career path are currently working elsewhere and want to use their free time to build a business that can eventually sustain their financial needs.

So what we’re going to do here is look at a plan that lets you apply your weekend hours to develop a business you can launch using Warrior Plus as both a vendor and affiliate, where you’re using as many free tools, connections, ready-made products or automated systems as possible to help give you the quick start boost that you need.

Week after week, you should see your profits begin growing, but you must keep in mind that this is a strategy that requires a mix of consistency, careful evaluation, ethics, and self-driven motivation to bring it to fruition.

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Using AI to Update Irrelevant Content

If you’ve been an online marketer for any extended span of time, you’ll know that so many things have come and gone in our industry. You may have published content about some of them.

For example, Squidoo. It was big time at one time, but no longer exists.

Or what about Periscope? It was once a popular live streaming app, but it’s now defunct. How about strategies like Travis Sago’s Bum Marketing method? While the concept might be viable, the platforms or tools mentioned in older content might be long gone.

Instead of just deleting everything, you can use AI (artificial intelligence) technology to put a fresh spin on the old, outdated content and make it relevant again. In fact, it might be able to use some of the older content as a contrast to how it works now!

Learn how to cope with these issues inside this report.

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The Internet Marketing Newsletter – Issue 158

The June 2024 IM Newsletter is now available for your enjoyment.

Inside, among other features, is an excerpt from an audio interview with a successful marketer. The full audio is also available.

In this issue:

  • Being average is more competitive
  • Getting noticed: why a web t-shirt can be your golden ticket
  • Whispered “top 100” million dollar strategy
  • 3-step content formula for launching any product
  • 404 error questions you didn’t know you needed answered
  • Even Gahdhi had haters: how to handle criticism like a changemaker
  • Alan Clayton interview
  • Don’t get left behind – 5 dead simple reasons why you need AI now
  • Gary Vaynerchuk: the hustle king of digital marketing
  • Marketing lessons from a Dublin taxi driver: 120K euro in 4 months with affiliate marketing
  • The affiliate marketers secret weapon
  • Case study: six-figures flipping reservations
  • Case study: how did Dan Koe get 2.6 million followers?
  • Unlocking eBook profits – the simple guide to serious income
  • and more!

For more information and to see what prior issues of the newsletter have contained, visit this page:

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Cash In on 1-Page AI Content Creations

You can generate profits with a single page that people either get for free or are willing to pay for, depending on how you position it and what its use is. You can learn how to produce many different types of one page content, such as checklists, cheat sheets, printable downloads, infographics, and more to serve as a resource for your demographic audience.

Now more than ever, people are turning to short form content, whether it’s a video or text based production. They want to quickly and easily absorb information without wasting time, so one-page creations have a lot of value to your audience.

Read all about it inside this report.

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