Your Motivation Makeover

Course Introduction

Module One: Understanding Motivation
  • Introduction To Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Motivation
  • How Motivation Influences Behavior And Performance
  • Identifying Personal Motivators
  • Module One Important Takeaways
  • Module One Daily Exercises
  • Day 1: Identifying Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation
  • Day 2: Reflecting On Past Achievements
  • Day 3: Daily Motivation Tracker
  • Day 4: Visualizing Success
  • Day 5: Identifying Personal Motivators
  • Day 6: Creating A Motivation Collage
  • Day 7: Motivational Affirmations
Module Two: Creating A Motivational Environment
  • Your Environment Impacts Your Motivation
  • Physical Environment: Organizing Your Space To Enhance Motivation
  • Mental Environment: Cultivating A Positive And Motivating Mindset
  • Social Environment: Surrounding Yourself With Supportive And Inspiring People
  • Module Two Important Takeaways
  • Module Two Daily Exercises
  • Day 1: Decluttering For Motivation
  • Day 2: Creating An Inspiring Workspace
  • Day 3: Social Support Reflection
  • Day 4: Positive Influences Inventory
  • Day 5: Environmental Reflection
  • Day 6: Motivational Playlists
  • Day 7: Social Environment Assessment
Module Three: Instant Motivation Techniques
  • Techniques To Instantly Change Your Mindset And Boost Motivation
  • Exercises And Movements That Trigger Motivation
  • Identifying And Using Personal Triggers To Spark Immediate Motivation
  • Module Three Important Takeaways
  • Module Three Daily Exercises
  • Day 1: Quick Mental Shifts Exercise
  • Day 2: Gratitude Practice
  • Day 3: Power Poses
  • Day 4: Quick Physical Activity
  • Day 5: Motivational Quotes
  • Day 6: Motivational Videos
  • Day 7: Recalling Past Successes
Module Four: Sustaining Motivational Momentum
  • Using Goals To Maintain Motivation
  • Staying Motivated In The Face Of Failure
  • Continuous Improvement: Keeping Motivation High Through Personal Growth And Learning
  • Module Four Important Takeaways
  • Module Four Daily Exercises
  • Day 1: Short-Term Goal Impact
  • Day 2: Long-Term Vision
  • Day 3: Analyzing A Setback
  • Day 4: Reframing Failure
  • Day 5: Resilience Priming
  • Day 6: Personal Growth Plan
  • Day 7: Weekly Reflection And Planning


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